Wednesday, November 30, 2022

breaking "news": multi-billion-dollar swindler Sam Bankman-Fried says he's not to blame for ftx collapse; commits crimes against the english language, in the bargain

By N.S.
wed, nov 30, 2022 6:51 p.m.

breaking: Sam Bankman-Fried says he's not to blame for ftx collapse

N.S.: Gee, what a shocker--a bad guy who insists he's innocent.

Hey, Sam: Spell "fiduciary duty." I guess you lost the spelling bee.


  1. It's one reason they call it sh*tcoin--a disaster waiting to happen.A better name--as it turned out--was shortcoin the last year--because if you shorted it,you'd be ridiculously rich.
    I've never touched it.


  2. More than just this Sam were involved.

  3. I only obeyed orders. I was just a little man. I have done nothing seriously wrong. Others did worse. I tried to correct things when I could. Think of me as nothing more than a mere paper pusher.
