Sunday, November 27, 2022

erasing White history: history of medicine display removed from british museum

By "W"
sun, nov 27, 2022 7:56 a.m.

erasing White history: history of medicine display removed from british museum

"They" pretend to be embarrassed that they can't point to any black accomplishments in medicine or science, so the british museum has taken down a history of medicine exhibit. They don't want the general public to know that the equality claims are just so much bs.

N.S.: Either the cultural genocide of disappearing Whites from history is a prelude to the physical genocide (e.g., killing Whites off by refusing them work, firing them from their jobs, pressuring White females into bearing the children of non-Whites, etc.), or it's being done as a simultaneous move.


  1. Makes for a small museum if you jettison White accomplishments.Layoffs of museum staff should commence IMMEDIATELY


  2. jerry pdx
    You know, Lamer Odumb, in his own dim way, might actually have a point here....that damn Phoenix gorilla does remind me of the players:|22687623|VIDEO%20%26%238211%3B%20NBA%20Champion%20Lamar%20Odom%20Thinks%20Phoenix%20Suns%26%238217%3B%20Gorilla%20Mascot%20Is%20Racist%3A%20%26%238216%3BThey%20Slid%20That%20One%20by%20for%20Years%26%238217%3B|
    Isn't he the guy that Kim K drove to almost OD in a whorehouse? His NBA career is over, the Kartrashians no longer want his black ass so playing the race card is all he's got left for attention. Kimmie should have pushed a little harder.

  3. What you describe is already policy in South Africa.

  4. "pressuring White females into bearing the children of non-Whites,"

    White men and white female both.

    Either not having any offspring or whitey men mating with oriental women and whitey women mating with negro men.

    Those riots and marches after the death of the Floyd boy many young whitey women of child bearing age among the "marchers.
