Tuesday, November 29, 2022

congress set to put federal blessing on queer and interracial marriage

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, november 29, 2022 at 1:13:00 p.m. est

(npr) “the senate is set to vote tuesday on the respect for marriage act, which codifies federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages.

“lawmakers are moving forward with the vote tuesday afternoon after securing essential republican support during a procedural vote on monday. with bipartisan support, the legislation is expected to clear the senate tuesday, then head back to the house where it is expected to be passed quickly and sent to the president's desk to be signed into law.

“the bill would require that all states recognize same-sex and interracial marriages performed in any other state. it does not require that states individually allow these marriages to be performed [?]. the measure also recognizes these marriages for consideration of federal benefits such as medicare and social security.”

GRA: Supposedly being done in the wake of the abortion overthrow by SCOTUS—with some fearing a federal rugpull of fag and coal-burner marriage (not that those perversions would disappear, they just would be overseen by the states).



  1. Interracial marriage has been legal throughout the United States since 1967--and many states legalized it far before then. In a bunch of states it has never been illegal. I suspect throwing this in with homosexual marriage is a ploy. Those who would be against homosexual marriage will be less apt to oppose the bill because they don't want to be seen opposing interracial marriage. In short, this bill is a scam by sleazy politicians.

  2. jerry pdx
    A man and woman can have children, gay couples cannot, at least without physical contribution from the opposite gender, that is biological fact. Interracial couples can have children. So why intermix the two?

  3. “lawmakers are moving forward with the vote tuesday afternoon after securing essential republican support during a procedural vote on monday."

    GRA:Now who might that be?negro,Tim Scott?Romney?John McCain(lol),Mitch McConnell?A few guesses of mine.


  4. "There’s Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday... and then there’s Giving Tuesday—an international day of generosity."

    GRA:How about KMA Day--Everyday!

    I'm getting fed up with every day being designated as something important(which it isn't).

    Give it a rest,media,unless you're promoting"Turn that Fu**ing TV set Off,Day". Then,I'll be right with you.


  5. This is all being done because of the Roe versus Wade decision be overturned by the court. Right to Privacy no longer valid at this point. Lots of decision based previously on Roe versus Wade can now be reviewed for legality.


    These are the Republicans who voted it for the bill to enable it to surpass the 60-vote threshold needed for passage.It passed by a 61-36 number.

    The Republicans in the upper chamber who backed the bill were Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rob Portman (Ohio), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Mitt Romney (Utah), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Joni Ernst (Iowa) and Todd Young (Ind.).

    GRA:I thought Romney was a conservative at one time--what happened?Blunt,Portman and Burr did not seek re-election,but voted for this bill and--as it turned out--were the deciders in the passage of the pro-homo,pro-interracial legislation,A proud moment for them,I'm sure--RINOs all.

