Wednesday, October 26, 2022

one "teen" fatally shot, and another wounded at kennedale car wash

By A Texas Reader
wed, oct 26, 2022 11:40 p.m.

teen fatally shot, another wounded at Kennedale car wash


  1. I see a lot of blacks hang around those "do it yourself,car wash" places.

    Yeah,they gather together,vacuum their cars,spray the soap and wax on their wrecks,rinse it off,get into an argument,pull a gun out and blast another ni**er to kingdom come.

    At night,the nigs hang around and do drug deals.

    24 hour fun at the car wash--like the song.


  2. Negroes always found employment at car washes. When I was a kid I used to see a bunch of them working at the local car wash. With a dice game going on outside in the back of the place. The colored boys have a certain panache about them.

  3. Car Wash | "Workin' at the Car Wash, Yeah!"

    Look at the colored boyz go. Ya'll.
