Tuesday, September 27, 2022

more bull--it: blacks are being falsely convicted of serious crimes at alarming rates

By Merlin
Tue, Sep 27, 2022 1:30 p.m.

More bull--it: black people are being falsely convicted of serious crimes at alarming rates, report finds

N.S.: The reality: blacks are being issued free crimes by the millions.


  1. Sayeth black liars of course.



    GRA:I missed this one initially,the local media must have low-keyed it.

    (WEYI)BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — Two(black) males, including a juvenile were formally arraigned on open murder and weapons charges in the deadly drive-by shooting of a 2-year-old Battle Creek(white)boy last week.

    Martavon Nelson, 18, and Jaylen Smith, 17, were both charged with one count of open murder and six counts of weapons charges during their arraignments in Calhoun County District Court Monday.

    Two-year-old Kai Turner was shot once in the head while asleep in his mother's bed in the multi-family home on 94 Cliff Street home around 2:20 a.m. Tuesday, police said.

    Turner died hours later at the hospital.

    Nelson told detectives he was looking for a person he was "having an issue with for months" when he initially went to the Cliff Street home, according to the probable cause document filed in Calhoun County District Court.

    Once notified the person wasn't at home, Nelson was in the front seat of a stolen Audi Q7 SUV, when at least ten shots were fired, according to detectives.

    The shell casings recovered from the front of the house and came from three different guns, according to detectives. Police said ballistics on the gun shells came back to another shooting that involved Nelson as the suspect.

    The judge denied bond for both Nelson and Smith, who is juvenile, was charged as an adult.

    Martavon Nelson, 18, is facing open murder and felony firearms charges in the shooting death of 2-year-old Kai Turner. (Calhoun County Jail/WWMT)

    Nelson has been charged with three cases involving handguns in a two-month period, according to court records.

    Nelson was charged with felonious assault in allegations connected to another individual on Aug. 28, according to Calhoun County Prosecutor David Gilbert.

    Nelson was charged with dealing or manufacturing of cocaine and possession of a stolen firearm after he was arrested by police following a tip Nelson was about to deliver drugs to an Emmett Township home, according to court records.

    GRA:To say black drive-bys are out of control is an understatement.


  3. jerry pdx
    Report says that 53% of exonerations are of blacks but leaves out if blacks are being targeted by the Innocence Project and other organizations trying to free black criminals. Also, blacks are responsible for 50% of murders in this country, it would stand to reason they would be more likely to be "exonerated" because blacks are responsible for so much crime. Then it cites a study that claims blacks and Whites use drugs at similar rates but blacks are far more likely to be convicted of drug crimes...but then throws in how police are more likely to stop and search black people for drugs...Really? With 50% of murders being committed by blacks and them having higher rates of violent crimes then they would be more likely to fit descriptions of possible criminals. Also, using drugs is one thing, what you do when you take them is quite another, I have no doubt blacks are more likely to be violent than Whites when using drugs so are more likely to be arrested. It also claimed that blacks are more likely to be falsely convicted of rape due to misidentification...I call BS on that, they are more likely to commit rape and also more likely to be exonerated by crusading White saviors that want to free all black rapists, like the CP5. That's just a few things, as I read through the article a number of things came to mind that made it obvious it was just more Woke propaganda but I'd run out of space trying to list it all.

  4. So many criminal actions already you hardly need to falsely accuse or convict any of them of a crime.

    OH them poor little old negro chirrens.

  5. jerry pdx
    Did the Biden admin sabotage the nord stream pipeline? Tucker Carlson explores this question:


    The environmental impact of all this gas being released into the ocean and air could be catastrophic and unprecedented:


    Carlson points out that the Biden admin is pushing for "green energy" and condemning Americans for driving SUV's but may have created an environmental disaster on a monumental scale. Not even to mention that provoking a nuclear power like Russia in this way could lead to something even far worse.

  6. I would wager that 90% of blacks(minimum)are breaking serious laws,including,drug dealing,stealing cars/guns,aiding and abetting,carrying unlicensed weapons,parole absconder-not to mention murder,rape,arson and armed robbery.

    Those that commit the crimes are hidden by fambilee members.It's possible that ALL blacks are criminals--even the wealthiest--and your black sports heroes which are supported by White America.


  7. jerry pdx
    Here's an interesting bit to add to my previous comment about the nord stream pipeline. Radoslaw Sikorski, member of European Parliament for Poland, has publicly thanked the US on Twitter for nord stream: https://twitter.com/radeksikorski/status/1574800653724966915
    I don't know if he actually has inside info or he's just putting 2 and 2 together but it's a pretty direct public statement.

  8. I wouldn't blame Putin if he dropped a missile on Biden's brainless head.


  9. cbs says"Russia vandalized the pipeline,"even though Biden and others threatened,"there would be no Nordstream if Russia invaded Ukraine."
    Judge for yourself.


  10. Like Andy Rooney said a long time ago: "If seventy percent of the crime in the country is committed by blacks I would expect seventy percent of the convicts in prison to be black."

    Hard to argue with that reasoning.
