Monday, July 25, 2022

Return of the Great Depression; walmart cuts its outlook, as more shoppers limit spending to essentials

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Jul 25, 2022 10:48 p.m. walmart cuts its outlook, as more shoppers limit spending to essentials

And food banks all over the country are overwhelmed.

Return of the Great Depression.

Papered over by food stamps, food banks, and “free” meals in public schools.

N.S.: And exacerbated by fake president Joe Biden's illegal, open border policies, and inflationary, fiscal policies.


  1. Yes,you need less consumers of product in the country--stop the immigrant flows.It's inflationary all by itself.


  2. You mean the people don't want to buy a 54" TV for $100,that breaks after 100 hours of use?

    Or filet mignon that you leave your teeth in,when you take a bite?

    Or a treadmill that has only one speed--and moves so slow--even Barbara Streisand can keep up with the pace on it.

    Strange people,those consumers.


  3. OH, just change around the definition of what is a depression. Pal Joey got the scam down to an art form. First with recession and then depression. Already doing it with the former. Pal Joey.
