Sunday, July 31, 2022

more ruthless criminals died at the southern border in 2021 than in 2020, but it was still way too few

By N.S.

They’re not “migrants.” The msm call them that, in order to make them sound legal and normal.

“Migrants” are citizens moving from one part of their own country to another. When I was a kid, network news organizations used to commission and broadcast documentaries on the plight of “migrant workers.” Those were Americans who followed seasonal work picking produce around the country.

Today, the media routinely use “migrants” to refer to criminals, to make it sound as if they had a right to break into our country, and via magical, humanitarian sophistry, to turn ruthless criminals into needy welfare recipients.

As for the media and the criminals’ other supporters asserting that they are “desperate,” that’s nonsense. Desperate people don’t have money to pay the snakehead. But it wouldn’t matter if they really were desperate. Their goal is to economically dispossess and politically disenfranchise Whites, and steal our country. They are an invading army. Thus, they should all die!

reuters: “the migrant death toll at the U.S.-mexico border rose dramatically in 2021.”


  1. Higher death toll,not enough of a deterrent yet--obviously.


  2. "Those were Americans who followed seasonal work picking produce around the country."

    And if not legal residents or citizens legally allowed as pickers from Mex in the harvest season. So many per year only but legally so with papers, etc.
