Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Meredith Kercher, and the Value of the Life of a Young, White Girl in Italy Today (the Amanda Knox Case): racist black invader Rudy Guede got a very cheap rape and murder of Meredith Kercher out of it: Guede, who nearly decapitated his victim, was just released after a very soft, “13-year” sentence

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 3:25:00 P.M. EDT

Rudy Guede, a black Ivory Coast alien invader in Perugia Italy, has been released from prison after serving around 13 years for sexually assaulting and then savagely slashing a young Englishwoman named Meredith Kercher to death. His sentence was reduced for “good behavior” and had been on work release for several years already:

For those that are not familiar with this case, what happened was that Meredith Kercher interrupted Rudy Guede while he was burgling the cottage she shared with several other young White ladies, he raped her, then slashed her around 40 times, nearly decapitating her.

He fled the country and was finally apprehended, but not before the media and police focused on one of Meredith’s White roommates, Amanda Knox, and her Italian boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, as the perps. It became a media firestorm because Amanda was a young, pretty American, which gave the crime a certain salaciousness and fed Italian xenophobia toward Americans.

Ultimately, Amanda and Raffaele were acquitted, due to the fact that zero forensic evidence tied Amanda to the murder, whereas the room where the murder was committed had plentiful physical evidence identified as belonging to Rudy Guede. The prosecution account was that there was a four-way sex scene that turned deadly, resulting in Kercher’s murder at the hands of all three participants. This preposterous story was completely negated by the actual forensics, but it took multiple trials before the Italian Supreme Court recognized that reality.

Despite inarguable evidence proving Rudy Guede acted alone, many people are still convinced of Amanda Knox’ guilt. Amanda that is, they really don’t care about Raffaele. They wanted Amanda to have been the killer. Rudy Guede is considered by some to be a “falsely convicted” black man and a hero to the sjw community.

After her release, Amanda Knox focused on social justice, showing herself to be a woke zealot. She supported Obama, blm, and agitated for “falsely convicted” blacks in prison like the Central Park Five.

[The following three articles were all written by Nicholas Stix:

“‘It Was Fun’—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. the Central Park Five, 25 Years Later”;

“Ken Burns’ The Central Park Five: The New To Kill a Mockingbird—Fiction Designed to Induce White Guilt”; and

“Not Looking Good: Mainstream Media, New York Authorities, Retconning Tessa Majors Murder Like They’ve Retconned Central Park Rapists.”]

Just goes to show you how deeply ingrained woke ideology is that you can be victimized by its effects to the point you nearly spend your life in prison, yet still continue to fervently believe in it anyways. For that reason, I wish she did spend her life in prison, reflecting on her delusional belief system.

Every time I hear about a case of diversity justice like this I can’t help but flash to blm rhetoric that claims blacks never get a fair shake from any justice system in the (White) world.

But Rudy Guede is out now, serving a whopping 13 soft years for his heinous acts of rape and murder. Guess that’s what the life of a young White girl is worth in Italy.


  1. jerry pdx
    While the Rudy Guede murder and the CP5 occurred with different circumstances there is one parallel I'd like to point out: The perps try to defend themselves with the bad luck defense.

    Guede's story of what happened was that he and Meredith were having a secret affair and when he took a break from their bedroom activities to take a dump, Amanda and Raffaele coincidentally snuck into the room and committed the rape and murder. He couldn't hear what was happening because he had his iPod on at full blast. The CP5 of course, were on a rampage, leaving a trail of robbed and beaten victims in Central Park but at the end of their "wilding spree", the very same night and the very same area, it's just pure chance that a young woman, Tricia Meili, was sexually assaulted and nearly beaten to death by "somebody else", not them. Sure, you believe all that I've got a bridge to sell you by a salesman named OJ.

    That must mean that luck is racist because the bad kind always seems to pick on the poor ole' negro male. How unfortunate for them.

    Of course, a preposterous story when somebody is caught red handed is not exclusive to the negro but when White spin them, usually nobody, except maybe their mothers, believe them. When it's a negro, there is a legion of other negroes and White SJW's who believe and support them.

  2. jerry pdx
    Here is a video of Steve Moore, a former FBI agent who became interested in the Amanda Knox case and supports her innocence:
    At first, Moore thought Amanda was guilty, assuming the justice system in Italy was fair and wouldn't railroad an innocent person. But his wife had doubts and challenged him to prove it. He looked past the headlines at the evidence and immediately realized she was innocent because the crime scene showed evidence of only one attacker, not multiple attackers as the prosecution claimed. What Moore perceived instantly was ultimately affirmed by the Italian Supreme Court but it took them years to finally acknowledge it. This case demonstrates how a phony case can be built on flimsy circumstantial evidence that may seem damning on the surface, but ultimately collapses in the face of actual facts.

  3. Thirteen years in the EU is about the max you will get for murder. Since the crime was apparently not premeditated that might be about the max you would get USA too.
