Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Chappelle is the greatest comedian in America; just ask him

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From: RealClearBooks & Culture <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 27, 2022 3:03 p.m.
Subject: Chappelle Is the Greatest Comedian in America. Ask him.

Chappelle is the greatest comedian in America. ask him.

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Chappelle is the greatest comedian in America. ask him.

Titus Techera, Acton

"The transgressive stand-up is back with another netflix special, this time lecturing high school kids on the power of family and education. But is it funny?

Oswalt: imprisonment made Bruce better comic

Christian Toto: "Patton Oswalt is progressive, so he doesn't fear cancel culture like other comics. what he said about Lenny Bruce, though, is shocking."

Christian Toto--the man, not the dog--is a self-styled "conservative" Republican who promoted the black supremacist/White ally central park five hoax.

why Toshiro Mifune was the coolest actor ever, Daniel Schindel, insidehook

the legendary performer's work is currently being honored with a retrospective at new york city's film forum.


  1. Another nigg*r being hoisted up by "someone" to save--in this case--free speech.

    Where's Whitey?

    Oh,that's right,Whites can't comment on issues in America anymore.We are barely allowed to run for political office these days. We are forbidden to hold mayoral jobs in big cities,as well as the position of police chief.

    Turn on a TV station at random and the odds are,you'll see a blackie on your screen looking into your living room.What's he doing?

    Oh,all sorts of things:
    Mostly complaining about Whites;they're appearing in 90% of commercials;they're on every talk show(many times,only the host is White),on every game show,kissing White women on soap operas--and definitely--comprising the vast majority of crime stories on local news--though black crime is being covered,less and less.

    In leadership roles,blacks are corrupt and incompetent,with a disregard for enforcing the law,yet you can tell that "the powers that be" are doubling down their efforts to replace Whites with blacks in most areas of American life.

    So this invisible "someone",I spoke of at the top,is also pushing blacks like Chappelle into a role that Whites should be monopolizing--especially with Caucasians STILL outnumbering blacks by a 5 1/2 to 1 1/2 ratio.WE should be telling THEM how to live--not the other way around.

    But that's not what I see:I see blacks depicted as the gurus of life--their opinions shoved down our throats like a gastrocopy tube.

    Whenever Whites DO appear on-air,they're so afraid of making the woke crowd angry,they refuse to be honest about anything occurring in our country with regard to race,free speech or black crime.

    Chappelle joins Larry Elder,Candace Owens on the conservative side,who are in a battle with Whoopie Goldberg,Lesta Holt and other commie blacks who are aiming to take over the country by squeezing Whites into submission from both sides of the political spectrum--and with Whitey's help--they're doing it.

    A White man,with the guts,verbal skills and intelligence,to put a stop to what's happening,would be most welcome about now.


  2. jerry pdx
    Chappelle is getting the Richard Pryor treatment...being elected the "greatest comedian" of all time because he is black. Not that he isn't funny, or Pryor wasn't, they are both talented and can be hilarious, but the greatest ever? Pryor's stuff is very dated now and when you take away the relentless use of the N word (shock value in those days), not as funny as it seemed back in the day and while Chappelle can be pretty funny, I really don't find him to be nearly as insightful and hilarious as his boosters (blacks and SJW Whites) claim he is. I can think of more than few better White comedians.

  3. I looked at some of the colored man skits on You Tube and I am not so impressed. Barely passes muster if that.
