Sunday, July 24, 2022

deadly crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever, which kills 30% of people it infects by making them bleed from the eyes, spreads to spain, as man is hospitalised with virus

By R.C.
Sun, Jul 24, 2022 11:10 a.m.

Deadly Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever which kills 30% of people it infects by making them bleed from the eyes spreads to Spain as man is hospitalised with virus

The next "pandemic"?

Biological sample suppliers: US conducts trials with Ukrainian and Georgian soldiers

Ukrainian and Georgian soldiers are to be tested for their resistance to 14 particularly dangerous pathogens. It's not just about Crimean hemorrhagic fever, but also, for example, about typhus and anthrax. Tbilisi is ready to provide a thousand recruits for the experiments.

"They are very strange experiments, very strange actions to collect DNA and study the effect of different viruses on a certain ethnic group. And then there is the very strange caveat that Americans are not responsible in the event of deaths. All this taken together should worry Ukrainian society, but also the international community," said Evgeni Poddubny, Head of our Middle East and North Africa Office.

1 comment:

  1. During my military service a long time ago I was involuntarily experimented on. So this experimentation is nothing new. I was give experimental shots in Korea to prevent hepatitis. The shots were found to be not working and the program ended. The shots were in a two step process. We were told that if you had gotten the first shot you MUST get the second shot, even after the program found to be not working. MUST get the second shot even of no value. Why?
