Friday, July 22, 2022

David Cole on how leftist anti-whites beat conservative "tough guys"

By David in TN
Tue, Mar 15, 2022 5:15 p.m.

David Cole on how leftist anti-whites beat conservative "tough guys"

Here is our friend David Cole's latest on how inept "tough" right-wingers are, especially regarding race. A few highlights:

"I'm telling this story to make a point: Leftist antiwhites have patience and focus. They have an agenda, and they put in the time to fulfill it."

Tucker Carlson uses the talking point of "declaring that the attention being paid to [the] ukraine is racist because third world mud-and-stick wars don't draw the same level of concern. Only bigots prioritize ukraine over ethiopia and yemen."

"Antiwhite leftists are laser-focused on specific long-term goals, whereas what passes for goals and principles on the right can change in one Twitter thread."

"In truth, Trump was one of the weakest presidents in history. He couldn't stand up to his own son-in-law. He couldn't stand up to the traitors he hired and could fire at his pleasure. He riled up a crowd on 1/6 and went home to watch TV. And did he support any of those people when they were put in solitary like the Unabomber? Of course not."

"Here's a little secret from a former GOP operative (me): Conservative tough guys are the biggest marshmallows on earth. Full of bold words, but when it comes to race, they're rodentine cowards. Not to get too self-indulgent, but I saw this firsthand when the HuffPost called me a 'Holocaust denier' in 2013. The first conservatives to publicly brown their trousers and disown me to please the libs? Andrew 'I'm tough as John Wayne' Klavan, Kurt 'thank me for my service' Schlicter, and Nick 'most balls out rightist in Hollywood' Searcy. Now, I like Nick. Nick's a good guy. But for all his bluster, when Marxist Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro asks him to portray a caricature of a fascist American, Nick responds 'iSI comrade!"

There is a lot more.

David in TN: We've seen how "conservative" writers, TV talking heads, etc. almost never cover black-on-white murders.

1 comment:

  1. David Cole is happy to have Mex overtake California neighborhoods--instead of blacks--he's said so in past columns.There's really no difference between them--except one group fractures the English language in a way that's more irritating than the other.They both are uneducated,criminal and without hope of improvement.

    Possibly,the Mex wouldn't favor White genocide as much as blacks,but I'm only guessing.

    I'd like Cole to name names,of who qualifies as a conservative anymore.Anyone who voted for Juneteenth to be a holiday,is NOT A conservative--and that's almost all Repubelicans(intentionally misspelled.)

