Friday, June 17, 2022

texas republicans react to gop senator cornyn--certified wuss

By "W"
Fri, Jun 17, 2022 5:13 p.m.

texas republicans react to gop senator cornyn--certified wuss


  1. Cornyn is a rascal. Hopefully he'll never be re-elected.

  2. "And if there is any lesson that we can learn from the recent shootings, it’s that America must have a reckoning with our broken mental health system.”

    GRA:Okay,so instead of calling large buildings with jail cells,"prisons",let's call them "mental health improvement centers--with jail cells".

    They will undoubtedly be filled with mostly black and Mex "patients".Now if that's the jargon we need--to get them off the street--that's fine with me.

    Call it a cottage for all I care.
