Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"san francisco: school board votes to end lowell high school's 'anti-racist,' lottery-based admission system after grades collapse"

By R.C.
Tue, Jun 28, 2022 11:34 p.m.

"san francisco: school board votes to end lowell high school's 'anti-racist,' lottery-based admission system after grades collapse"


For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls….


  1. I wrote about the "experiment" that the Michigan educators thought up--moving blacks to rural White high schools(who had fantastic SAT scores)and transferring Whites from that school to a black school with SATs in the retarded range.

    This must be 10 years ago by now.
    Result:White schools test scores plummeted when blacks were shipped in and black schools only marginally improved with Whites in them.Maybe blacks dumbed down the Whites with drugs and the black attitude--it was never theorized in print.

    The "experiment" was discontinued after one year.


  2. >After Grades Collapse

    I think the change had more to do with the recent recall of 3 school board members (out of 7) than bad grades -- I doubt bad grades alone would have been enough to bring about a (perhaps nominal) return to a merit-based admissions policy.

    Some SF parents, mostly Asian, also sued the SF School Board over this recent move away from a merit system, but there had been no judicial outcome there at the time of the recall.

    But decades ago SF parents did win a previous lawsuit over 'integrating' Lowell HS, where 'integration' is just another euphemism for admitting more un- or less qualified Blacks and Hispanics:

    MAY 20, 1999 -- On the Wrong Side: Chinese Americans Win Anti-Diversity Settlement - and Lose in the End

    As I have stated several times: something will give in the end -- Hispanics are now by far the largest ethnic group in the state, but Asians are growing faster -- due to the large difference in test scores (and IQ) between Hispanics and Asians, it will simply be impossible to have anything like a representative number of Hispanics at elite schools like Lowell, or at the vastly more important Univ of Calif system.

    Of course the most likely outcome is that the Univ of Calif will drop the SAT/ACT requirement, as many schools are now doing -- Lowell will also find a way to admit more Hispanics and Blacks.

    When that happens, frauds like Steve Sailer and his dumb, never-explained 'anti-racist citizenism' will be exposed -- a multiracial society simply cannot work; the difference in average SES outcomes between racial groups will always be too large.

  3. Did ANYONE doubt this was not going to happen. The idea is BS and flawed and everyone knows it. Grades down and was expected to be so from the beginning. I am actually surprised they are stopping the program.
