Monday, June 27, 2022

moroccan police accused of "brutality" as officer is filmed using his baton to strike wounded illegal alien; death toll is a mere 37, after 2,000 stormed fence to enter spanish enclave

Sun, Jun 26, 2022 10:56 a.m.

moroccan police accused of "brutality" as officer is filmed using his baton to strike wounded illegal alien as death toll rises to 37, after 2,000 violent criminals stormed fence to enter Spanish enclave

And this is a bad thing?

1 comment:

  1. Ceuta and Mililla. Two Spanish enclaves Africa. Just flyspeck bits of land. Fence thirty feet so or high the illegals rush over and over. Been going on I think for decades. The illegal gets over the fence he gets to apply for asylum in the EU. 2,000 of the African illegals with weapons [sticks] attacked the fence all at once. Police and border guards injured too.
