Saturday, June 25, 2022

I knew it! a moslem! the terror suspect charged with murdering two people and wounding 21 more at an Oslo gay bar last night has been named as a 42-year-old ex-plumber born in Iran

By R.C.
Sat, Jun 25, 2022 12:14 pm

I knew it! The terror suspect charged with killing two people and injuring 21 more at an Oslo gay bar last night has been named as a 42-year-old ex-plumber born in Iran. Zaniar Matapour was born in Iranian Kurdistan before coming to Bergen, Nor

the ny times will say that Kurds are Persians.

And that Persians are the original Caucasians.

In other words, White.

So, he will be labeled a "homophobic White supremacist and Trump supporter."


  1. Whites don't worship "Allah" and Mohammed.


  2. Not a Norwegian. An Iranian living in Norway but not a Norwegian. Not "indigenous".

  3. Of course he is a Muslim full of hatred
