Monday, June 27, 2022

affirmative action kills: bolingbrook weathertech shooting: police say knee grow killer was temporary employee who had robbed coworkers

By R.C.
Sat, Jun 25, 2022 8:05 p.m.

bolingbrook weathertech shooting: police say knee grow killer was temporary employee who had robbed coworkers

Police said coworkers said Charles McKnight had been working the overnight shift and had been confronted by coworkers after he had robbed two of them of a watch and a wallet at gunpoint. They argued, and police said McKnight pulled out a handgun and shot three of them.


  1. This colored man was really dumb. Robbed his coworkers. Like they did know who he was. And the company did have his address. He was from the inner city [Chicago]

  2. The employees who were robbed at gunpoint and decided to confront the violent thug without a gun were equally dumb.

  3. He was a temp--most nigs ARE temps--but they leave a permanent scar with their criminality.


  4. A voice of reason:

    The employees who were robbed at gunpoint and decided to confront the violent thug without a gun were equally dumb.

    So per the story (?, seems too weird to believe, and who knows if it is given how shoddy a lot of reporting is today) ...:

    Police said coworkers said McKnight had been working the overnight shift and had been confronted by coworkers after he had robbed two of them of a watch and a wallet at gunpoint. They argued, and police said McKnight pulled out a handgun and shot three of them.

    ... they 1) knew he was armed b/c he had already robbed 2 people 'at gunpoint', but 2) instead of calling the police they decided to 'confront' him.

    Fucking hell man.

  5. That sucks. WeatherTech makes great automotive accessories. I've been using tbeir stuff for years, it lasts forever.
