Thursday, May 19, 2022

raceless drunk being taken by ambulance to NYC hospital back-shoots emt

By N.S.

Put in the variables: a backshooter and someone who harms emts; what race pops out?

EMT shot in back of ambulance by intoxicated man he was treating in NYC  

An EMT was shot in an ambulance by an intoxicated man being transported to a Staten Island hospital on Wednesday night — and retired cops helped apprehend the suspect, police and sources said.


  1. black,Thomas McCauley also had a knife and pepper spray on him.
    -- ny post

    McCauley(I thought that was a White name) was definitely prepared to assault,as it turned out,a White EMT.Picking up a nig in the ghetto is no day at the beach for ambulance types.You're just as likely to wind up injured yourself--or worse.


  2. A very serious crime. That ambulance handling a patient becomes the same as a hospital facility. The crime of shooting at a person [lethal force] bad enough. Using such force in a medical emergency situation should get you 3X the normal time of punishment.

  3. "McCauley(I thought that was a White name)"

    Lots of colored have Irish name. Patrick Kelly played for the Chicago White Sox. A negro man.

  4. You're right,but it fools me every time.Pat Kelly--70s outfielder.

