Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Herschel Walker wins Georgia GOP Senate nomination

By N.S.

"Ex-football star Herschel Walker wins Georgia GOP Senate nomination"

"The Heisman Trophy winner was favorite to win the primary after securing endorsements from both former President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell."



  1. He seems like a decent negro,but GOPers need to find Whites to run.


  2. Run Herschel run! Foo-baw yesterday, tomorrow the Senate. And yes I would vote for a black man.

  3. I looked up Herschel Walker. His ex-wife, whom he divorced in 2002 said he beat her, threatened her with a gun, had wild mood swings, etc. Similar to O.J. Simpson except the (White Argentinian) wife escaped.

    After football, Walker had a food service business, not especially successful, numerous lawsuits. He had been living in Texas, didn't move back to Georgia till a few years ago.

    Walker has no qualifications aside from being a famous former football player. His running for the Senate was Trump's idea. Trump "urged" Walker to run.

    Typical Donald Trump. Several months ago we were talking on the phone and I said something (I forget what) was "a typical Trump mistake."
