Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Details Emerge About Teen Shooter in Texas

By A Texas Reader
Wed, May 25, 2022 10:23 p.m.

Details Emerge about Teen Shooter in Texas

Profile: Perhaps the most complete profile at the moment is in the Washington Post. Santos Valdez Jr., 18, says they were friends until Ramos' behavior deteriorated. He recounts how Ramos cut up his own face with knives, saying he did so for fun. Another acquaintance, Stephen Garcia, says: "He would get bullied hard, like bullied by a lot of people. ... Over social media, over gaming, over everything." Garcia adds that Ramos took particular grief after posting an image of himself on social media with black eyeliner. The story reports that Ramos had a stutter and a lisp and was mocked in school.



  1. What else do you need to know?A Mexican shot a classroom full of Mexicans.End of story.


  2. Makenna Lee Elrod, 10 and Miranda Mathis,11 were White kids killed--which I wasn't aware of.

