Monday, April 25, 2022

twitter employees are angry that Musk now owns it

By "W"
Mon, Apr 25, 2022 6:33 p.m.

twitter employees are angry that Musk now owns it

poor babies....


  1. QUIT!
    OR--wait for your pink slips(fingers crossed.)


  2. jerry pdx
    So is this going to have repercussions throughout the internet? Are MSN and Youtube going to reinstate my ability to comment? Is Google going to stop it's campaign of harassment toward conservative commenters? One would hope so but I'm not holding my breath.

    I've never used Twitter, I did sign up but have never bothered because the character limit seemed so constricting, it's seems like people just shouting slogans at each other with no room for facts or analysis.

  3. Expect big things to happen? I am just sure. Whatever it is in all likelihood will be for the best.

  4. jerry pdx
    I'd actually be more impressed if Musk had acquired Google. Reality is, while Twitter may be the dominant social communication platform, everything online passes through the portals of Google. It's the single most powerful online entity and while it might not be as flashy an acquisition as Twitter on the surface, it would be a vastly more significant one. However, Google is a subsidiary of a multinational conglomerate named Alphabet Inc., which has a valuation of 2 trillion dollars, Google itself has a valuation of 1 trillion dollars. That's even out of the financial reach of Elon Musk, the richest man in the world.

    A few fun facts about Google:

    It has 92.26% of the search engine market share worldwide
    Google properties own 87.96% of all searches
    Google receives 2.5 trillion searches per year
    Google receives over 80.731 searches per second on any given day
    95.65% share of the global mobile search traffic belongs to Google
    Its share of the global desktop/laptop search traffic is 87.35%
    Every year the total volume of Google search grows by 10%–15%
    An average person conducts 3 – 4 searches every single day

    The company has 102.000 full-time employees
    32% of the global Google employees are female
    The average annual salary for a Google employee is $175.988
    Google’s new employees are known as Nooglers
    Doogler: Googlers assign this nickname to employees who bring their dogs into the office, as well as the dogs themselves
    Employees who are members of the LGBT community (and their supporters) are known as Gayglers
    Google uses a web tool called to recruit new employees based on what they search for online

    That last one is interesting. Google is actually actively looking for employees based on their internet activities. Something tells me that us NSU readers aren't going to be contacted by Google recruiters anytime soon.

  5. >the character limit seemed so constricting

    Apparently, millions of people don't find it to be such a big problem -- you can create a thread and say as much as you want: How to create a thread on Twitter

    >it's campaign


    >poor babies

    I'm sure a fraction of employees don't agree with, and had nothing to do with, the content censorship/ToS policies developed by management and implemented by Twitter; how large that fraction is, I cannot say.

    But a big change in management or ownership can significantly affect/change what it's like to work at a company; I definitely experienced this myself (albeit at smaller companies) -- so in that sense, I can understand any concern expressed by Twitter employees.

  6. The problem for Musk--did he misjudge this?The fact that he's taking Twesla private--and wants to get rid of advertising--means he needs subscriptions.

    Will people do that--in this economy?Twitter followers will subscribe to be able to talk freely?

    I have my doubts.

    Liberals can already say what they want--why would THEY pay?

    Just a few questions to throw out there.


    (ZH)The European Union has put Elon Musk on notice - warning that he faces hefty fines or even a ban if he allows free speech on Twitter.

    EU commissioner Thierry Breton told the Financial Times that Musk must follow rules on moderating illegal and harmful content online, since words have been elevated to 'sticks & stones' when it comes to the dangers of modern life.

    "We welcome everyone. We are open but on our conditions. At least we know what to tell him: ‘Elon, there are rules. You are welcome but these are our rules. It’s not your rules which will apply here," said Breton.

    Musk’s take-private deal for Twitter could transform the Tesla chief executive, who has used the platform to attack regulators and critics, into a social media baron, given that millions of people rely on the San Francisco-based platform for news.

    He said on Monday that “free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy” and described Twitter as “the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated”. -FT

    Breton's comments come just days after Brussels signed a major piece of legislation targeting big tech for not doing enough to police content online, which runs counter to Musk's plan to loosen Twitter's content moderation policies to match his stated "free speech absolutist" ideology that could even see the return of former President Donal Trump to the platform (despite Trump's insistence he won't be back).

    According to Breton, he's simply offering Musk a "reality check" over plans for less stringent moderation, as a lack of compliance risks a ban in Europe.

    "Anyone who wants to benefit from this market will have to fulfill our rules. The board [of Twitter] will have to make sure that if it operates in Europe it will have to fulfill the obligations, including moderation, open algorithms, freedom of speech, transparency in rules, obligations to comply with our own rules for hate speech, revenge porn [and] harassment," said Breton, adding "If [Twitter] does not comply with our law, there are sanctions — 6 per cent of the revenue and, if they continue, banned from operating in Europe."

    GRA: One wag said,"It looks like Musk will have to buy the EU to get free speech."

    Not simple--even for a gazillionaire.

  8. There is the door. We will give you a good recommendation.


    Musk already said Twitter will comply fully with local (i.e. national or regional) laws about expression -- Twitter has been doing this, e.g. enforcing the German law known as NetzDG; but there is also an equivalent French law, and typically content geoblocked so German users cannot see it is also blocked for French users -- Twitch and Bitchute, among other 'alternative' platforms, also do this -- only Andrew Torba/Gab has consistently resisted pressure to censor coming from Europe (typically 'Holocaust' denial and content European countries deem anti-Semitic or see as 'inciting racial hatred').

    In this sense, this new EU law is not a significant change -- I don't know the details, but perhaps it cannot unfairly be described as NetzDG for the EU -- the infrastructure and processes to comply are already in place.

    Personally I'd like to see the big American tech companies call the EU's bluff and block access to their URLs from IP addresses in EU countries -- what would the impact on their societies and economies be if individuals and companies in Europe could no longer access Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc etc? -- I think the EU would blink and rescind the law.


    At the link above is an example of what you will see if you try to access Amy Mek's Twitter account from a German IP address (I know her account is also blocked in France) -- she's a Jewish woman whom the German government accuses of 'inciting racial hatred' against muslims because she highlights the anti-Jewish activity of muslims -- you can find video of her addressing the European Parliament (link), yet Europeans block access to her Twitter account.
