Monday, April 25, 2022

Texas gop supports not executing Lucio

By "W"
Mon, Apr 25, 2022 2:34 p.m.

Texas gop support not executing Lucio


  1. The worst part of this story:

    Melissa is a mother of fourteen whose other kids say Mariah's death was an accident

    Typical of low quality human capital, these people breed like rabbits -- and no, nothing is made up in volume: every Black and Hispanic in America represents a sizable net economic loss (link).

    Almost as bad:

    She told police in 2007 that Mariah fell down stairs and then died but she later made a confession that experts say was coerced

    The curse of credentialism and the reliance on 'experts' for everything and anything.

    Deserves mention:

    Kim Kardashian, Amanda Knox and even the jury that convicted her are begging for the case to be retried

    An obnoxious tabloid celebrity culture, full of posturing busybodies.

  2. GOP see a possible grabbing of some of the ethnic Mex Congressional districts along the Rio Grande. When those folks even angry you know their is a terrible problem.
