Sunday, April 24, 2022

President Trump: Megan Markle Has [pu—y]whipped Harry; the “Prince’s” Marriage Will End, and End Badly

By N.S.

I think he’s right. But that’s what happens when you marry a racist designing woman.

“Harry is whipped’: Trump Predicts to Piers Morgan that the Prince’s Marriage will end

“Former President Donald Trump says Prince Harry is ‘an embarrassment’ for turning his back on Buckingham Palace.

“Trump continues to insist that the election was rigged and that he rightly won, despite having no evidence.”


  1. Trump ought to know.He's the poster husband for,"Can This Marriage Be Saved"?(NO).One might think Trump is interested in Markle,but we see his type is definitely not bony,big mouthed half negresses.


  2. Why would a man who, by all appearances, wants to be president (again), comment publicly in this way about the Royal Family? -- as a public/political figure, how is it any of his business? -- or generally a concern of the US? -- they have no formal role in governing the UK -- I could understand comments about governance in the UK: foreign policy, trade, etc.

    And then to make it worse, he makes coarse public comments about the marriage of a member of the Royal Family, including a prediction about why and how it might end -- how is that any of his business, or something he could know anything about?

    A big problem with Trump is that he shows poor judgment -- he obviously isn't very intelligent; his intellectual transmission is stuck in the gear for junior high school.

    I understand the contempt the Left feels for him -- he is not suitable as president, and it is a shame that he is still attracting so much attention on the political Right -- but this perhaps reflects more on the quality of the alternatives, i.e. establishment 'conservatives'.

    >despite having no evidence

    Yawn -- again: there were plenty of anomalies in both voting and vote-counting in the 2020 election; these should have been investigated and explained -- had they been, perhaps the result would have been that, yes, these anomalies were evidence of fraud -- instead, the dishonest political and media establishments combined to repeatedly deny there was anything to investigate.

  3. Trump doesn't have a filter and he doesn't have a gatekeeper. His sons appear to be sharp guys, but clear he listens to nobody. He should probably have a kitchen cabinet of Tucker Carlson, Anne Coulter and Steve Bannon on speed dial, but really he listens to nobody but Jared the moron, who's big concern is people will be nice to him at brunch in NYC and Miami. Which is how he does something as stupid as taking this interview at all. It's how he winds up talking to the NY Times and Bob Woodward. We all get he was robbed, but nobody is making him president.

    More pressing; what are he and the GOP doing to make sure they don't get screwed agin in 2024? Because 2024 cannot be a replay of 2020. What ncan be done; setting a trap for ballot nonsense this Novemer and beyond. Is it?

  4. Not that moron Harry and his equally idiotic wife are of any concern of or in any way influence US affairs, but Trump is right in his assessment of these two. Harry in particular is remarkably stupid and has taken a page from his wife's racial victim playbook.
    In response to mild criticisms of the marriage (to be expected, because they are public figures), his response, referring to the very avoidable traffic accident that killed his mother:"My mum was chased to her death because she was with someone of a different race (referring to Dodi Fayed, her Arabic boyfriend also killed in the crash), now look what's happened (referring to the mild controversy around his marriage).

    No, genius, the driver of her car was drunk and speeding, which is why he crashed.
