Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Officer Derek Chauvin Wants New Trial over the Death of George Floyd

By R.C.
Wed, Apr 27, 2022 1:51 p.m.

Former US Police Officer Chauvin Wants New Trial Over George Floyd's Murder


  1. Good luck with this. In post George Floyd America, reimagined along Black Lives Matter dystopian rules of judgement by mob rule, objective reality as we used to know it is no longer relevant. For attempting to enforce laws against a dangerous black career criminal, Chauvin is condemned to his fate for the next two decades, as America as we know it is torn down and replaced .

  2. How about a trial for the black policeman who shot an unarmed, and non-threatening woman at the demonstration on January 6th? Instead we had a black criminal who died of a drug overdose ruining the life of a white policeman.

    1. The January 6th mobs deserve no mercy or consideration. I hope that every single one of them today is punished to the full extent of the law. Ashli Babbitt got shot and killed? Tough shit. It's bad enough for conservatives and Trump supporters culturally as is, without these fucking hooligans storming the Capitol and demonstrating in real time every violent stereotype alleged about the right from the left.

  3. Keep kowtowing to the left, punk.

  4. They needed to finish the job,is their fu**up. The "mob" had the chance,but were shocked to discover how easy it was to get in--plus they weren't armed and had no intention of overthrowing the government.

    With planning,Pelosi and company could have been removed,arrested and punished in short order.


  5. (ap)Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has 45 days to respond to Chauvin’s brief.

    GRA:Guess what the nigg*r will say.Then there's THIS little tidbit from ap:

    The appeal came as the Minnesota Department of Human Rights released the results of a nearly two-year investigation launched after Floyd’s slaying. It found the Minneapolis Police Department has engaged in a pattern of race discrimination for at least a decade, including stopping and arresting black people at a higher rate than white people, using force more often on people of color and maintaining a culture where racist language is tolerated.

    GRA:But blacks are so law abiding and compliant--I don't understand!How can the MDOHR release these findings without listing any explanation WHY all of this occurs?And it's accepted by ap,nbc etc and reported as Gospel.

    Those poor black martyrs--dindunuttin'to deserve all dis.

