Friday, April 22, 2022

More Murder, Mayhem, Misogyny and Mexicans: Confessed Killer of Beautiful, Hungarian Import, Orsolya Gaal; Mexican-Import, David Bonola, Had Moved to the U.S. More than 20 Years Ago, was arrested on Early Thursday

By A Texas Reader
Fri, Apr 22, 2022 2:41 p.m.

More Murder, Mayhem, Misogyny and Mexicans: Bonola, who hails from Mexico and had moved to the U.S. more than 20 years ago, was arrested on Thursday in the early hours of the morning.

Seeking a better life?

Doing the job that Americans won't do?


  1. jerry pdx
    Beautiful women and scumbags, you'd think they'd be a little more selective but very often, they are not. Women will always say, he seemed so sweet, he fooled her so she didn't know he was capable of something like that. No, that's a lie, men that evil always exhibit red flag behavior during the relationships...always. Women may not know for sure what they are capable of, but they know something is seriously wrong with them, they just brush their concerns aside. Ms. Gaal may have been a little older but she was still HWP and pretty, most women in her category have hit the wall but she clearly had not, plenty of men would have been interested in her but for some reason she chose an off kilter Mex to have sex with. Go figure.

    1. Simple explanation. Hot chicks like this always go after "bad boys" like this piece of shit. Why? Oh,because,"I can change him"; "He's really a good person, people just can't see it"; "He's misunderstood ". You get the picture. And the corpses pile up.

  2. That much violence a sign of extreme rage. The Mex has his manhood insulted by the whitey woman. He HAD to do something and did. Honor for the Mex was satisfied.

  3. It's sad but when we whites stand up to this genocide against us? It's time to stop this now.let our voices be heard.14 words
