Thursday, April 28, 2022

Lily Peters: Did Her Life Matter?

By A Longtime California Reader
To: <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 28, 2022 2:24 pm

Did Her Life Matter?

A disgusting crime against a 10-year-old child: murder + rape. I wonder what the race of the young perp is. You'd think that in small-town Wisconsin there wouldn't be many non-whites, but these days, who knows? I wonder if the identifying information will ever be leaked to the media.

And they wonder why there was lynching, and all that bleating about Emmett Till from 66 years ago.



  1. jerry pdx
    Took some searching but I did find the name and a photo of the perp:
    His name is Carson Peters Berger and his father is a sex offender named Adam T. Berger (of course, now his son is too, and a murderer also). Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. They are both White.

    This evil little POS better get a life sentence with no possibility of parole.

  2. >This evil little POS better get a life sentence with no possibility of parole.

    It seems this may be possible, depending on what the prosecutor requests (and the judge grants I suppose), and then what happens at the trial, or the plea agreement reached -- but if there is a plea agreement (likely), then 'no possibility of parole' will probably be the first thing the defense wants to eliminate before agreeing to a deal:

    Wisconsin Laws and Policies for Juvenile Offenders Charged As Adults

    Waiver of juveniles 14 and older – the District Attorney can petition the juvenile court to waive its jurisdiction and have the child tried in adult court. Waivers are available in the following circumstances: ... A juvenile who is at least 14 years old alleged to have committed felony murder, reckless homicide, sexual assault, hostage taking, kidnapping, armed robbery, aggravated burglary, manufacturing or distribution of a controlled substance, or participation in gang activity.

    Per your link (thanks), he is 14 y/o.

    More info in this Twitter thread: link
