Tuesday, April 05, 2022

"If Biden’s sole catastrophe was the destruction of our sovereign border..."

Re-posted by N.S.

But impeachment is inadequate. Impeachment and conviction would imply that he had legally won election, and would put Giggles in the White House. In any event, he won't be impeached, much less convicted. Fake President Joe Biden and Giggles must be removed from office, by any means necessary.


  1. We've been suffering with stupid POTUSes for decades now.We need to "impeach" a large swath of commies living in the U.S.A.--by any means possible--including media moguls,political scum and blm types.


  2. I explained the situation on the southern border several times in the past.

    The way to handle this was to pressure Mexico to sign a 'safe third country' agreement (as exists with Canada) as soon as the asylum 'caravans' started to show up.

    But due to the incompetence of Trump and his administration, that never happened.

    Stephen Miller was a member of the incompetent Trump administration.

    The lowbrow, uniformed kvetching about this is one of the hallmarks of America's decline.

    Most of those complaining are 'as long as they come legally' conservatards -- they can all go fuck themselves.
