Monday, March 28, 2022

“The People Promising Us 'Net Zero' Have No Clue about the Energy Storage Problem”

By N.S.


  1. Australia too the best place possible for solar power. Lots of sunshine intense. Whitey folks get a lot skin cancer that part of the world so intense is the sun sometimes.

    If the Aussies can't do it, then who can? At this exact moment, with the existing technology, NO ONE.

  2. There is no chance of being able to produce enough battery storage capacity in a few decades--or this century. But the mental defectives (yes, not only is liberalism a mental disorder but so is leftism) will plow ahead with eliminating use of natural gas, promoting electric cars etc. in spite of inadequate supplies of electricity. The result will be increasing shortages as in California and Texas recently. They will make this a turd world country--they already made it into a corrupt banana republic--without even the bananas. And, oh yeah, California will outlaw private gas generators so you won't even be able to warm or cool your family when their grid fails.

  3. jerry pdx
    It's not just the unsolved storage issue, solar energy is not completely "clean". The materials needed to build a solar energy grid sufficient to power the US, or the world, would require massive resource extraction and it's attendant environmental consequences. Those materials need ongoing replacement and become waste plus need constant replacement and maintenance. Also, trillions of gallons of fresh water will be needed for the solar energy grid, and the areas with the most sun also have the least fresh water so that water will need to be piped in from other areas. Aren't we already experiencing water shortages and record drought? Like I keep saying, "green energy" is fools gold and it's primary purpose is to feed the speculative wealth markets with new technologies and massive investment in new infrastructure. After all, those high tech billionaires and corporate entities aren't rich enough already.

  4. "Like I keep saying, 'green energy' is fools gold and it's primary purpose is to feed the speculative wealth markets with new technologies and massive investment in new infrastructure"

    The government now has committed itself 100 to green? Industry such as the auto industry too? We are doomed I say. Doomed.
