Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Record-Breaking nba hall-of-famer John Stockton: I Have a List of Hundreds of Vaccinated Athletes Who Have Dropped Dead on the Field

By R.C.
Wed, Mar 23, 2022 8:05 p.m.

John Stockton Claims to Have List of Hundreds of Vaccinated Athletes Who Have Dropped Dead on the Field

1 comment:

  1. I was out to visit my mom's opthomologist's office Tuesday afternoon,to get her frames straightened out,which meant I got to talk with the two opticians on duty.

    The conversation turned to the "pandemic" and the guy optician said,"This crap has got to end--either it kills us or doesn't kill us--stop the bullsh*t--you can't have it both ways.I know a mortician who said,'during the height of the pandemic,there was zero increase in business.'"

    I said,"I'd wager that since the vaxx started,their business has gone up--in fact,I read that on many websites."

    The female optician had been sitting there listening,but she jumped in,"I got a blood clot from the damn vaxx."

    "From the first one or the booster?"I inquired.

    "The booster.I KNEW I was allergic to it,but I couldn't get a waiver--the doctors at the hospital said I could have easily died."

    Now she has her waiver.

    Add the optician to the list of people(2) that I know of who died the same day as they received their vaxx and another(a healthy cousin-in-law)who died a few months after his booster.

