Tuesday, March 29, 2022

More on the Disgraceful Ruling by David Carter, the Newest Federal Judge Conspiring against President Trump

By Eahilf
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 3:13:00 A.M. EDT

>U.S. District Judge David Carter:

“Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,” Carter said in a written decision.

The decision can be read here – link

It’s 44 pages long, and heavily footnoted – I read some of it yesterday.

I’m tired of how infantile this entire debate is, but about the first part of the ruling:

pg 3

“Despite the lack of evidence of election tampering, ...”

What does that mean? — as I pointed out before, there is plenty of evidence of anomalies in both voting and vote counting – but since these were never seriously investigated and evaluated before a body with standing (e.g., a court), it’s impossible to say if they were just statistical anomalies, or were evidence of “election tampering” – so to claim right at the start of the ruling that there was a “lack of evidence of election tampering” is dishonest.

pgs 4 – 5

President Trump also made personal appeals to state officials. On January 2, he called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to discuss allegations of election fraud. ... The President interspersed the conversation with specific fraud claims—dead people voting, absentee ballot forgeries, trucks ferrying illegal ballots, and machines stuffed with “unvoted” ballots.12 Mr. Raffensperger debunked the allegations “point by point” and explained that “the data you have is wrong; ...”

Personally, and without commenting on Trump's specific claims, I think it was impossible for Raffensperger to “debunk” allegations of fraud in Georgia on Jan 02, 2021 because there had been no serious investigation at that point – but no doubt, he saw “which way the wind was blowing,” and did not want to damage himself politically by siding with Trump on the fraud claims.

Later, Matt Braynard and his team did do a thorough investigation of voting in Georgia, and found that the number of ballots easily shown to have been illegally/improperly cast there exceeded Biden’s margin of victory – now that does not necessarily mean Trump would have won, but it does show that it was worth investigation whether there was “election tampering” in Georgia.

The twitter account of Matt Braynard filtered for the word “Georgia”—link

It’s really disgraceful that the Establishment continues to discount this and all the other evidence of 2020 voting and counting anomalies.

Carter looks like a simpleton, and the ruling he issued in this case reads like it was written by someone who is simple-minded.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 11:34:00 A.M. EDT

This is one reason Trump may not be available for 2024.

--G R A

N.S.: That may not be an accident, GRA. They did everything they could think of, to tie his hands, before he even got elected. These are just new variations on the same Deep State theme.

And non-violent responses like impeaching Biden are insufficient.

1 comment:

  1. "Carter looks like a simpleton, and the ruling he issued in this case reads like it was written by someone who is simple-minded."

    Strictly I assume a decision based on politics. Much to the discredit of the judge.
