Sunday, March 27, 2022

More Free Felonies for blacks: PA Bill Forces Employers to Ignore More Crimes When Hiring

By N.S.

“Pennsylvania state Rep. Darisha Parker, a Democrat whose district covers parts of Philadelphia, introduced a bill this week that would seriously restrict an employer’s ability to consider a job applicant’s criminal history in hiring decisions.”

“Off-limits to employers under the Fair Criminal Record Screening Act would be questions about an applicant's juvenile criminal history, summary offenses, ‘cases that did not result in convictions, and cases that were expunged or pardoned,...”

“Philadelphia banned employers from asking about a job applicant’s ‘past criminal offenses’ in 2016, according to the star. This leniency may help explain its reputation as one of the most corrupt cities in the U.S.”

N.S.” Why does wnd say "criminal justice reform"? How can you criticize something called “reform”? You have to call it what it really is, free felonies for blacks.

“Employers Face Nightmare under State Bill Making It Illegal to Consider Certain Crimes When Hiring

Questions about applicants’ criminal history Severely Curtailed


  1. Who needs a history of incarceration on paper to determine if the black is an ex-con?You KNOW he is,by the fact that he's black.

    There are two types of blacks:

    Those who have been in jail/prison and those who WILL BE going to jail/prison.

    Many times,they're the same person.


  2. N.S.,all the stuff in March,from before the 17th is gone?



    GRA:I didn't watch it,but read about it.blacks acting black in front of a couple million viewers.

    Things at the 2022 Oscars got heated when Will Smith confronted Chris Rock onstage after the comedian made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith.
    MAR 27, 2022 10:53 PMTAGS

    (Hollywood Reporter)Don't mess with Will Smith.

    Chris Rock learned that lesson during the Oscars 2022 ceremony on Sunday, March 27, when the King Richard star confronted him onstage after he had made a dig at Jada Pinkett Smith, who struggles with alopecia. The heated exchange came after Rock, 57, made a reference to Pinkett Smith's shaved head, joking, "Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane 2, can't wait to see it, all right?"

    As the audience fell silent, Rock quipped, "That was a nice one, okay?"

    Smith, 53, then marched to the stage and appeared to slap the comedian in the face. When he returned to his seat, Rock quipped, "Wow, Will Smith just smacked the s--t out of me!"

    However, the spat didn't end there. Smith then yelled at Rock, "Keep my wife's name out of your f--king mouth."

    "Wow, dude. It was a G.I. Jane joke," Rock replied, to which the actor yelled at him again: "Yes, keep my wife's name out of your f--king mouth."

    The Saturday Night Live alum then assured Smith that he's "going to" before segueing to the Best Documentary segment. He told the audience, "That was a greatest night in the history of television."

    GRA:Will Smith has cheated on Pinkett Smith so often,that it's probably why she has alopecia.


  4. Later Sunday, the Los Angeles Police Department released a statement to ABC News, stating:

    LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.


  5. That was Chris Rock doing a Don Rickles riff.Question:Would Smith had smacked Rickles too(and killed him?)for saying similar,if Don was still around? Rickles used to jokingky tell Isabel Sanford to clear the tables at the Dean Martin Roast--maid's work--or tell Nipsey Russell he's overdoing the black thing--too dark.

    Could he have gotten away with such a mild joke about Pinkett Smith's hair?

