Monday, March 21, 2022

“The Floor Was Shaking” – Yale Law School Speaker Disruption Worse than Originally Reported

By N.S.


  1. I checked out the Whoopi story at Legal Insurrection and saw a name from the past on that site commenting--"The Gentle Grizzly"--who used to be here occasionally.

    --G R A

  2. Kristen Waggoner is shocked that students at Yale Law School are employing Gestapo tactics to silence speech they disagree with. You're a little late to the game, Kristen; this is what American jurisprudence has been reduced to: legality by mob rule, Biden and more specifically Harris' America. This was most glaringly evident in the convictions of the officers who tried to take violent career criminal George Floyd into custody, their fates sealed not by weight of evidence, but threats of violence. These students are emblematic of that. They are the direct heirs of the so called Chicago Seven, thugs who shut down the Democratic National Convention in 1968, who in turn are directly descended from the thugs who shut down all contrary political speech in Weimar Germany. We know how that turned out.

  3. Lots of anger and hate. Kinda like a military unit marching in step across a bridge can shake the structure down.
