Thursday, March 31, 2022

Arlington makes changes to splash pads after 3-year-old dies of brain-eating amoeba

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Mar 31, 2022 4:39 p.m.

Bakari Williams, 3, became ill on Sept. 5 2021, after playing at the splash pad at Don Misenhimer Park. They rushed him to an urgent care facility when he developed a fever approaching 103 degrees.

Nah, his mother left a plate of ribs and collards out in the sun for 3 days.

That's why he got sick.


  1. "The mother left ribs and collards in the sun for three days."

    GRA:And probably the kid too.One down--10 to go.


  2. A 3-year-old dies a horrible death and this guy thinks it's funny? Sorry, NS, but ATR is a little off in the head. Not the first time he's made such a dumb comment either.

  3. "Nah, his mother left a plate of ribs and collards out in the sun for 3 days."

    Do not take pleasure at the plight of your enemy. From scripture.
