Thursday, February 24, 2022

Solving a 30-Year-Old Cold Case, with Help from a Surprising Party

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Feb 24, 2022 8:06 p.m.

“Every investigator through their career has cases that haunt you and we all have several of those and I have a number of them,” Hansen said. “This was a horrific crime and it was a tedious process of locating him. We felt for many years that he was still in the states but as time progressed, our investigation led us, thanks to records we got from ICE, to El Salvador.”

N.S.: At the rate things are going, that might be the last cold case that ICE helps to solve.


  1. Summary:He killed a Mex girl in 1991(Sanchez),got bail,skipped out of the country to El Salvador and has been there for 30 years it appears.We saved about 1.5 million dollars of prison money by him fleeing the U.S.

    Now we're bringing him back,so start up the cash register after all.

    Every case is different,but in this one,it would seem smarter to let him stay where he was.


  2. He will plea bargain to get lesser charges, spend much less than thirty years in prison, then just maybe stay in the USA with some sort of amnesty that will be offered. What was immigration status in 1991. El Salvador? MS-13.
