Sunday, February 20, 2022

"Is the Biden Gang Using the Russia-Ukraine 'Conflict' as a Scapegoat for High Gas Prices, Inflation, and the Pending Economic Collapse?"

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 20, 2022 11:11 p.m.

"Is the Biden Gang Using the Russia-Ukraine 'Conflict' as a Scapegoat for High Gas Prices, Inflation, and the Pending Economic Collapse?"

R.C.: Nahhhh….

In shorthand it’s called, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Even if the “crisis” is manmade.


  1. The commies want to bring down the stock market and economic system.If that's before the midterms--with Trudeau-like measures instituted(martial law)to suppress protests--I don't know.Things are getting dire in many areas now,it wouldn't take much--a summer of riots--to crack this country wide open.


  2. A President's Day Quiz(totally subjective and only since circa 1945):

    Who was our best President?
    The farther back you go,the better they seem.Truman,Eisenhower appeared to get things done and economically the 50s were the quintessential years of America--with a great White demographic to boot.

    Who was the worst?

    The nominees are LBJ,Bush Sr,"W",Obama and Biden.

    I'll choose LBJ.

    Who's the most incompetent?

    THE nominees are "W",Trump and Biden.

    "W" edges out Biden right now,but if Biden can cause an economic collapse as "W" did in 2008,he will be my choice.Trump had a great economy,low taxes,but was incapable of getting the rest of his agenda done,plus the vaxx--which he pushed and is now in favor of--dropped him a few notches in my eyes toward the incompetence levels of the others.

    Which President was the most fun?

    Trump or Reagan--depending on your type of humor(sarcastic or more benign.)

    Who had the least amount of a sense of humor?

    Nominees are Biden,Bill Clinton.

    Clinton was a boring windbag,In over one year of being a fake President,Biden has shown no capabilities of being funny or cracking a joke--which makes him dangerous.

    Which POTUS was an idiot(mentally)?

    "W" and Biden both qualify,though "Dubya" was much younger.I doubt if "W" even knew WHY they called him "Dubya".

    Who SHOULD have been President that wasn't?

    I always thought Perot would have stopped that "giant sucking sound".Maybe he was our last chance to save the country.Too bad the forces of evil in our government got rid of him.

    Are all our President's in the future going to be this bad?

    See people like Trudeau in Canada for that answer.I hear that DeSantis might have what it takes to stop the cycle of horrendous presidencies,but he has to win first(no small feat with Dems in control of voting machines.)

    Happy President's Day.


  3. P.S.That "giant,sucking sound" turned out to be Monica Lewinsky in the Oral er OVAL office.

