Monday, January 31, 2022

Trudeau vs. Truckers (Graphic)

By R.C.
Mon, Jan 31, 2022 2:32 p.m.

Trudeau vs. Truckers


  1. As Sammy Davis Jr.would say,"That cat is a real pussy,man."


  2. Just one question:What happened to the flu again this winter?Is it being lumped in with Covid?Are they one and the same?

    Okay,three questions.We used to hear about flu outbreaks this time of year--not anymore.


  3. jerry pdx
    According to the CDC, there were only around 500-700 flu deaths the last two years, down from the normal 25K. The CDC credits the drop to mask wearing and other precautions. I could see how precautions could reduce flu transmission but I'm doubtful there would be such a precipitous drop. I categorize the mysteriously missing flu, and other influenza related illnesses, in with the disappearance of original Covid and Delta, both now buried under Omicron hysteria
