Sunday, January 30, 2022

No Pillow for Breyer: Did Joe Biden Save SC Justice’s Life?

By N.S.

Back when the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” was illegally ensconced in the Oval Office, he determined that he needed to be rid of Antonin Scalia, so that he could replace Scalia with “liberal” (or was it “moderate”?) Merrick Garland.

Scalia’s pillow took care of matters.

However, for once in his life, Mitch McConnell walked tall, and stopped Garland from ascending to the High Court over Nino Scalia’s dead body.

When the White House told the msm that Stephen Breyer was retiring, the justice was mad as hell, because he had not told anyone he was retiring. Someone then whispered in his ear, and he changed his comment to having been “surprised.”

Evidently, someone in charge had decided to retire Breyer, dead or alive.

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