Friday, January 28, 2022

Montana State U. Fired Its White Play-by-Play Basketball Announcer for Comments

By R.C.
Fri, Jan 28, 2022 10:01 a.m.

(OUTKICK) – Montana State University fired its play-by-play basketball announcer for comments in which the broadcaster [What's the matter; can't say "He"?!] reportedly compared Portland to antifa and the South Side of Chicago during Saturday's women's game between MSU and Portland State.


  1. Broadcaster Mark Martello was fired, according to the Billings Gazette, after a Portland State writer tweeted out Martello’s commentary during the women’s game. The reporter, Joe Terry, tweeted that Martello got fired up after a no-call against Portland State.

    “Portland can get away with whatever they want to get away with,” Martello reportedly said on the broadcast. “Portland’s like Antifa after a riot. They might go to jail but they get out right away.”

    GRA:It's funny--and a great comment--which tied together his disgust with the officials and his opinion about antifa.Perfectly allowable in a free country that permits free speech(by Whites.)


  2. jerry pdx
    Amusing comment and harmless, except in the mind of the Woke. What did catch my eye was at the bottom of the article there was a message from WND about comments. Apparently, they were demonetized by Google because of what people were saying in the comments fields, so the disabled them for a while and now are using some kind of service to monitor their comments. They do seem to be making a good faith attempt to maintain freedom of speech on their platform and are actually communicating what is going on. Most of the time comments fields are just dropped with no real explanation, or it's some BS one. How freely people will be able to comment with them using this INSTICATOR, I don't know, there may be restrictions now but that's the new normal, the Woke ideologues who run Google, et al are clearly working overtime to scrub out anything they perceive as non left ideology online. I'm not familiar with WND until I saw this article, I may add it to my list of sites to visit.

    I have to wonder how long before they come for the commenters here on NSU. I think it's just a matter of time.

    Here is the message on WND:


    Dear WND Readers and Commenters: In response to WND recently being totally de-monetized by Google (an action Google claims it took, in part, because it objected to content posted by some commenters), WND temporarily removed commenting from the site to allow our tech team time to implement a commenting solution that would allow commenters to continue to voice their opinions freely, while also allowing WND to continue to publish the news fearlessly and cover topics of vital importance to our readers.

    Commenting is now back! As part of our solution to Google’s attacks on our commenters, we are switching our commenting platform to INSTICATOR. Don’t worry! We’ve saved all your account info and comments from previous articles. All you have to do is create a commenting account with Insticator and then you will be able to link past comments from Disqus into your new Insticator account. Due to the volume of comments, some older comments may currently be missing but will be uploaded soon! If you have any feedback or questions about your Insticator commenting account, please email them at:

  3. I mean,if you're worried about hurting the feelings of antifa,THAT PERSON should be fired--not the announcer,Martello.

    I always say this--there should be protests at the headquarters of the "executive" who made this decision.


  4. Portland is the anarchists and the anarchists is Portland. That is what people DO think of.
