Monday, January 31, 2022

Is this New York or San Francisco? Actor Michael Rapaport Says Rite Aid on Manhattan’s Super Rich, Upper East Side, Now Closing Because of Shoplifters (Graphic Photos)

By N.S.

“Michael Rapaport Says UES Rite Aid Now Closing Because of Shoplifters”


  1. And then the coloreds will all bitch and moan and complain they "ain't got no place to shops no more".

  2. Not confronting the blacks is what constitutes law enforcement now.These are the consequences.Do blacks care?Not a chance--there's always Walmart.


  3. jerry pdx
    Rapaport made a career out of imitating black guys, the quintessential wigger. I hated him every time I saw him in something, I always thought "Don't you have your own identity"? Why do you have to pretend to be black? It's a matter of self respect and personal dignity.
