Monday, January 31, 2022

Charm City is Oh-So-Charming this Time of Year: Baltimore Sees Deadliest January with Latest Murder

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Mon, Jan 31, 2022 7:55 p.m.


  1. Congrats to Baltimore--but they can(and will do)better.Murders will continue to rise--until all black crime is censored by the black run city leaders.

    nig mayor:We can't be havin' all these killins get released to the public anymore--there's too many of them."

    nig police chief:"I've already informed the media of that change in policy--under threat of arrest."

    nig mayor:good--whatcha gonna charge them with?

    nig police chief:"Undermin' the office of a black mayor."

    nig mayor:"Have them fire all White employees--we can only rule this city if no one knows what's goin' on."

    nig chief:"dats right sir--what IS goin' on,sir?

    nig mayor:"We have taken over and are running this city the way we want--no cops arrestin' nobody,no blacks goin' to jail anymore,we're free to rape any White women still living here and no one has to pay rent or their bills again."

    nig chief:I'm proud to be workin' with you sir.

    nig mayor:"Uhh about that--after today--we won't be needin' a PO-lice chief anymore--we don't HAVE no police. "

    (nig chief shoots nig mayor dead)

    nig chief turned mayor:"He was right about one thing--this wouldn't look good in the papers,lol."


  2. Cold weather usually keeps THEM inside. THEM.
