Saturday, January 29, 2022

Actress Fired after Ranting about Street Closures for rookie nypd cop Jason Rivera’s Funeral

By David in TN
Sat, Jan 29, 2022 11:32 p.m.

N.S.: When black killer Leshawn McNeil shot Jason Rivera, the latter was a 22-year-old rookie. Officer Rivera has been posthumously promoted to detective. Who ever heard of a 22-year-old detective?

The nycpd began playing this game of posthumous promotions, when it became a non-White department. That means more social security money for the dead cops’ White and asian taxpayers’ expense.

By the way, I’m not a fan of Officer Rivera. The msm have celebrated him for seeking to move cops and “the community” closer. Since “the community” is a thinly veiled euphemism for black supremacists, who cheer when they hear of blacks killing cops, Rivera was either a Darwin Award Winner in waiting, or he was looking to aid and abet the kind of colored cut-throat who murdered him and his partner, Officer Wilbert Mora.

new york post: “Actress Fired after Ranting about Street Closures for NYPD Detective Jason Rivera’s Funeral”


  1. Our friend Countenance had a comment at AmRen several days ago concerning the death of Jason Rivera.

    He wrote that Rivera wanted "better relations between the NYPD and the community." This made him more likely to be murdered.

    Countenance wrote, "The reason is easy: They get too trusting of and too comfortable around the type of people who despise cops and don't want them anywhere around."

  2. Correct. When negroes talk about the "community" they are speaking strictly of black folks. No others need apply.

  3. Has Biden or Harris--or even AG Garland said anything to condemn cops being shot by minority scum?

    I don't think so either.Looks like murder is political now too.Okay for blacks--not for Whites(and White cops),defending themselves against blacks.


  4. Not Jane Fonda I'm guessing.

