Thursday, December 30, 2021

Federal Prosecutors Issue Free Crimes to Jeffrey Epstein’s black Prison Guards

“Michael Thomas and Tova Noel were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes the night he committed suicide, but shopped online and took breaks instead.” N.S.: And falsified federal records, by asserting that they had done their job.

Federal Prosecutors End Criminal Case against Jeffrey Epstein’s Prison Guards



    Marvin Gaye--on the left--when he was first brought in for questioning to the cops said,"What's Goin' On?"(1971 album and song)

    Detective:"We think you had something to do with Jeffrey Epstein's death.How many people were involved--just you?"

    "It Takes Two,Baby."(1967 duet with Kim Weston)

    Detective: When you entered Epstein's cell with a rope,what did you say to Mr.Epstein?

    "Let's Get it On"(1973 hit song)

    Detective:"You mean the noose around his neck?

    "That's How It Is"(1968 song)

    Detective:You had a fat,black woman,prison guard help you hang Mr.Epstein--why?

    "Two can Have a Party"(1967 hit)

    Detective:How did you know that Mr.Epstein was to be eliminated?

    "I Heard It Through the Grapevine?"(1968 hit)

    Detective:We know you both had major roles in his death,but we're going to release you--with no charges.

    "Ain't That Peculiar?"(1966 hit single with Tammi Terrell)

    And that's how Marvin Gaye's lookalike and Queen Latifa's lookalike got away with whatever they did in the Epstein case.


  2. Detective: What did the assassin say to Jeffrey Epstein when Epstein offered to pay him not to kill him?

    "Your cash ain't nothin' but trash." (1954)

    How do think the media will react to the news of Epstein's death?

    "Let the sideshow begin, hurry, hurry . . ." ("Sideshow", 1974)

  3. The guards admitted that they “willfully and knowingly” lied on forms stating that they’d made the required rounds checking on inmates the night of Epstein’s 2019 suicide.

    They probably did the same (skipped rounds) all the time.

    I'm not a big believer in criminal justice absolutism, so I have no opinion re whether they should face further punishment or not, especially considering the broader context of the Epstein case/cover-up -- they ought to be fired though, but I doubt they were or will be.

    Two more affirmative action apes who earn far more than they ever could in the private sector, and will enjoy a better, more secure retirement than the vast majority of the population they allegedly 'serve'.

    Government employment in America is now mostly a racial spoils system financed by Whites for the benefit of non-whites -- as someone purged from Twitter long ago said:

    In America today, Whites are little more than tax cattle to support the rising tide of diversity.
