Monday, November 29, 2021

Fauci Admits that Covid Will “Never Go Away”

[Re: Il Fauci: “I am the Science.”]

By Jerry PDX
Monday, November 29, 2021 at 7:52:00 P.M. EST

Fauci Admits that Covid Will “Never Go Away”:

Jerry PDX: So why are our government and media pushing this notion that Covid will be eliminated if we all get vaccinated?

Amidst the steady stream of B.S. that emanates from his mouth, and the mouth of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, actual truth actually slips through sometimes, like when Walensky admitted that the vaccines do not keep people from getting infected and becoming infectious.


  1. Only because Fauci won't go away--and Gottlieb.


  2. Of course it will not. A going thing that will "go on" forever. Fear tactics without restraint. One shot, two shots, three shots more.

  3. If you believe SARS-CoV-2 is a virus, then of course it will always be in the environment, and may continue to cause flu-like illness (called COVID) regardless of how many people are vaccinated.

    What I think people are concerned about 'not going away' is government tyranny and authoritarianism related to COVID.

    As I pointed out to people in early 2020, it was best to recognize now that COVID had become mostly a political phenomenon affecting freedom/liberty and personal autonomy, less so a matter of public health -- and once government coerced people into accepting its claim to have the authority to control literally every aspect of your life in the name of public health, they would never voluntarily relinquish this power, and would exercise it in other scenarios.

    It's still not too late for voluntary mass non-compliance to put an end to this.

    But the longer it goes on, the more likely it is that it will only end with bloodshed -- as it has throughout most of history.
