Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Houston primate: Wanted for Dragging Off-Duty police officer (Video); Arbery "Evidence" that was Withheld from the Jury

By "W"
Wed, Nov 24, 2021 5:33 p.m.

Houston primate: Wanted for Dragging Off-Duty police officer (Video); Arbery "Evidence" that was Withheld from the Jury

"W": If you see someone who looks like him, call the cops!

Oh, and here is some evidence about Ahmoud Arbery the jury was not allowed to hear about:


  1. In the case of the colored man killed by the whites the laws and rulings regarding evidence confuse me. Same as in Kenosha. But I am not a legal scholar.

    And OH, Travis called the negro a racial slur. Hmmmmm? What would that be.

  2. My next door neighbor officer Collins in Chicago was killed in a similar incident. Confronted a mane breaking into his car, a struggle ensued, Officer Collins shot and killed.
