Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Eahilf Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Some Love

[Re: “Who is Kyle Rittenhouse Getting His Advice from? After His Acquittal, He’s Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places, Embracing His Enemies, and Announcing ‘I’m Not a Racist! I Support blm!’”]

By Eahilf
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 4:12:00 A.M. EST

“Post-trial Rittenhouse announces: ‘I'm not a racist! I support BLM!’”

Considering what he has just been through, i.e., facing life in prison; that he has has been subjected to intense anti-racism propaganda his entire life; that he’s still really just a kid, and not intellectually or psychologically/emotionally mature; and that it is still possible he will be legally persecuted/indicted by the feds, I will give him a pass on this.

But it is a little disappointing, though not a huge surprise.


  1. Also,I believe his lawyers(and public relations)advised him.With the blm backlash,it looks like a failed strategy.


  2. I agree that Kyle might have been put up to saying he supports blm.

    Kyle is also young and maybe still idealistic, in spite of what he's been through. I doubt he has discovered or grasped what blm really is. Last of all, I hope Kyle doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome.

    Kyle has already gotten a vulgar public response from blm: "Alexa play: I don't f**k with you."
