Friday, November 26, 2021

Biden Issued Statements on Rittenhouse and Arbery Verdicts, Not Waukesha Massacre

By David in TN
Thu, Nov 25, 2021 10:44 p.m.

Biden Issued Statements on Rittenhouse and Arbery Verdicts, Not Waukesha Massacre - Frontpagemag

Daniel Greenfield: "The lives of dancing grannies and school children at the Christmas parade in Waukesha, which dissolved into a bloody massacre when Darrell Brooks, a blm supporter, who called for killing White people, drove into it, didn't matter to Biden."

David in TN: To paraphrase Mandy Rhys Davies, Well it wouldn't, would it?

1 comment:

  1. A SUV hit the persons. The SUV did. Something must have occurred to make the driver snap. An argument.
