Sunday, November 28, 2021

Another Diverse Thanksgiving Killing: black boy, 3, Shoots His girl cousin, 5, Dead


  1. jerry pdx
    Speaking of holiday blessings, while Canada schools bans Christmas celebrations and any sort of Christian religious observations or practices...they bend over backwards to accommodate the Islamic faith:
    Sermons in school? Prayer services on Friday? Cafeterias turned into prayer halls? How long before the Koran becomes required reading for all students?

    Whatever happened to separation between church and state? Oh, the CATHOLIC church, the rule is suspended for Islam. That's with White Woke zealots in charge, just wait until Islamics start taking over school boards and other political institutions. Sharia law is just around the corner for Canada, and we're next.

  2. Gun done gone off all by itself. Sure. Just playing.
