Monday, November 29, 2021

After a Three-Year News Blackout, Jury Selection to Begin Monday in Jussie Smollett Trial for His Racist Hate Crime Hoax/Conspiracy

By David in TN
Mon, Nov 29, 2021 10:40 a.m.

Jury Selection to Begin Monday in Jussie Smollett Trial

David in TN: As in a black-on-White crime, a three-year news blackout, suddenly Smollett goes on trial.

N.S.: I thought they'd disappeared the whole matter.


  1. Special prosecutor Dan Webb on the case. Famous for prosecuting Dem party members in Chicago.

  2. It was all a big joke to Jussie. And even if acquitted at criminal trial, he will still be sued for damages by the Chicago PD.
