Thursday, October 21, 2021

Philly Train Rapist is Illegal Alien Criminal Protected from Deportation by Democrats: More on the black african Invader Who Raped a Woman on the Philly Septa, and Said She Wanted It: Updates on the Case the msm Would Like to Forget

Illegal alien career criminal and train rapist, Fiston Ngoy: The face of the new “America”?

By Contributors

[Previously: “Homeless black african man Charged with Horrifically Raping Woman on Train Asserts She Wanted It.”]

[“Call Her ‘Kitty’: PA primate Rapes Woman on Train While Others Watch.”]

By Eahilf
Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 6:31:00 P.M. EDT

“Fiston Ngoy”

The surname Ngoy is most common in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, average IQ 76) -- link

As I’ve pointed out in previous comments, for several years now the DRC has sent the most refugees to the US.

Ann Corcoran has a number of articles about Philadelphia (link), so it’s possible some people from the DRC landed there -- of course once they’re in the US, they can go wherever they want.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 7:21:00 P.M. EDT

Rape by a black vs. a White should be an automatic hate crime.


“The new york post's Take on the ‘Kitty Genovese’ Rape”

By Eahilf
Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 7:42:00 P.M. EDT

As an American I used to find this kind of story in the dm, which has a wide international audience, many of whom are already somewhat anti-American, a little embarrassing – not too much anymore, though; what can I do? It’s probably a forlorn hope to expect the average dm reader to take note of the perpetrator’s race and notice a pattern there.

By Anonymous
Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 11:08:00 P.M. EDT

Yes, I wonder if he was attacking a White woman and the other passengers were afraid of him. they could have texted someone to call the cops if they didn’t want him to hear them calling 911. Or texted 911.

Or were they like the MTA workers at Court Square who saw a woman being raped from the comfort of a token booth. they didn’t bother to call the police. The courts sided with them. I believe it’s because blacks will not do anything to help a White person in distress. This makes me very angry.

By David in TN
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 12:07:00 A.M. EDT

In a news report I saw, a local TV station interviewed several people who (it was inferred) had been passengers on the train. All seemed black or mixed race.

In a rape case in which the victim survives, her name is withheld. The trial when it happens is almost never covered by the press.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 12:13:00 A.M. EDT

I’m surprised the entire car didn't join in—and then post it on facebook.


By David in TN
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 9:18:00 A.M. EDT

Where is A.M. Rosenthal when we need him?

By Anonymous

Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 10:13:00 A.M. EDT

“It speaks to where we are in society.”

Volumes. And none of it is very good.

“More on the Public Rape of a Woman by a black man on a Subway Train, as Guilty Bystanders Watched and Did Nothing”

By Anonymous
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 10:18:00 A.M. EDT

With that name, the perpetrator was probably an illegal alien from Africa.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, October 18, 2021 at 9:08:00 A.M. EDT

Can we assume that she was White? I have NEVER heard of a black raping a black woman out on the streets. At home? Maybe/probably.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 5:18:00 P.M. EDT

A “misunderstanding.” --GRA

By Eahilf
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 6:01:00 P.M. EDT

First, these apes and their crimes insult your human dignity – then the defense offered insults your intelligence.

By David in TN
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 9:35:00 P.M. EDT

Tucker Carlson had a short segment on this story tonight (Tuesday). It seems the (supposedly Congolese) rapist came to this country on a “student visa” in 2012. The visa ran out in 2015, but he was “allowed” to stay.

Despite numerous crimes—drugs, sexual assault, robbery, etc., the authorities refused to deport him.

None of this was in any of the news stories on the case I’ve seen.

Philly Train Rapist is Illegal Alien Criminal Protected from Deportation by Democrats – Frontpagemag
By David in TN
Wed, Oct 20, 2021 4:01 p.m.

“Now the media will start slowly backing away from the case once it turned out that the rapist is an illegal alien.”

“The media keeps focusing on why the train riders did nothing. But why did the media and Democrats do nothing about Ngoy? Why did they protect him until he committed a crime so horrifying that they became willing to condemn it?”

David in TN: Would the media have played up the crime, had they known from the start that the rapist was an illegal alien?


  1. "I used to find this kind of story in the dm, which has a wide international audience, many of whom are already somewhat anti-American, a little embarrassing"

    Dm = Daily Mail. Not so much anti-American but rather a fascination that the "greatest country in the world" is just collapsing so easily in front of everyone and without it seems anyone trying to do a thing to stop it.


    Judy Boyer wanted in connection to deaths of four in Clare county.She's very small 5'1" and 105 lbs,but the shaved head and bizarre look in her pic is a warning about her(?)mindset.Looks extremely dyke-ish.

    You don't hear about women killing four people too often,but would think women who look like Boyer would be a prime candidate.



    (WDIV-Detroit)GRANT TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Police have arrested an “armed and dangerous” woman after two people were killed and two additional bodies were found on the same Michigan property, officials said.

    Deputies with the Clare County Sheriff’s Office and state troopers were called around 4 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 20) to a home on South Harrison Avenue, south of Surrey Road in Grant Township.

    Officials said they had received a report of a shooting that resulted in two injuries at the property.

    On Thursday, authorities revealed both shooting victims died from their injuries. Police said they also found two additional bodies on the property late Wednesday night.

    The four victims in this case are a 39-year-old man, 36-year-old man, 85-year-old man and 61-year-old woman, according to officials.
    (GRA:Sounds like the whole family.)

    Police said they were searching for Judy Boyer, 54, in connection with the deaths. She was taken into custody Thursday morning, according to deputies.


  4. jerry pdx
    Can you stand another bizarre lesbian love & violence story?
    Not a love triangle but a story of violence resulting from unrequited love. It involves two professors, one an Asian, the other black, except the violent one is the Asian one who had feelings for the black one, when those feelings were not returned she went to her home and viciously attacked her for hours. What that Asian woman saw in this black one I don't know, she's pretty hideous. The Asian one isn't a great beauty either but she at least looks kind of OK.

  5. jerry pdx
    Mohamad Noor, the affirmative action cop who summarily executed a White woman is "resentenced" from his original 12 yr. sentence to only 4 yrs:

    This from the article:

    Mohamed Noor was originally sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for shooting and killing Justine Ruszczyk in July 2017. Last month, the Minnesota Supreme Court vacated Noor's third-degree murder conviction, ruling there was insufficient evidence to sustain the conviction and ordering Noor be sentenced on his conviction for second-degree manslaughter, a lesser charge.

    The new sentence is at the top of the range of state sentencing guidelines, which provide for a punishment of 41 to 57 months for someone with no prior criminal record. Noor's attorney had asked the court to impose a sentence of 41 months, while prosecutors sought the maximum sentence for the remaining second-degree manslaughter conviction.

    Noor will receive credit for the 908 days he's already served, the judge said Thursday. According to Minnesota law, he is required to serve two-thirds of his sentence before he will be eligible for supervised release. Noor has been incarcerated since his conviction in 2019, according to records from the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

    This POS will be walking free in a few years, if not before then, while Derek Chauvin sits in prison possibly for the rest of his life. Welcome to the new world of diversity justice.

  6. jerry pdx
    Some facts about the Democratic Republic of Congo and sexual violence against women:

    Of particular note is this section:

    UNFPA reported that over 65% of victims (of sexual violence) during the past 15 years were children. The majority of this percentage was adolescent girls and roughly 10% of child victims are said to be under 10 years old.[3] Many child soldiers, after being recruited from refugee camps, are often sexually abused.[27]

    Rape of girls and gender-based violence of minors is widespread in the eastern Congo.[28]

    As usual, the vast majority of migrants from Africa and Muslim countries are males, and these Congolese men have a particular aptitude toward rape, especially when it comes to children. They might even rival Mex men in that dept.

  7. jerry pdx
    Another rapefugee, this one an Afghani, doin' what rapefugees do...


    GRA:A little overreaction?Si.

    (wzzm)The Muskegon Heights man accused of intentionally setting his home on fire and shooting a dog is facing multiple charges.

    Thomas Gonzalez, 38, of Muskegon Heights was charged in Muskegon County District Court following his arrest Monday on Mona Street in Muskegon Heights.

    Gonzalez is facing four charges, they include:

    Count one – arson of a dwelling (arson second degree) 20 year felony charge
    Count two – felon in possession of a firearm, 5 year felony charge
    Count three – attempted killing of an animal, 2 year felony charge
    Count four – reckless discharge habitual 4th which increases charges to a maximum penalties up to life
    Gonzalez is being held without bond. An arraignment date has not been set.

    Original Story:

    A 38-year-old Muskegon Heights man held in the Muskegon County jail is accused of intentionally setting his home on fire and shooting a dog that belonged to another resident of the home.

    Muskegon Heights Fire Chief Chris Dean tells 13 ON YOUR SIDE the fire was reported Monday, Oct. 4, at 8:15 a.m. in the 3100 block of Mona Street.

    Fire crews had to delay putting out the fire because the man accused of setting it was still on scene and a caller claimed the man had a gun and shot a dog at the home.

    "We had to wait another two to three minutes before we were able to come into the scene and start fighting the fire. Which is a significant amount of time because as we know fire grows and doubles in size every 90-seconds," said Dean.

    "As a part of the initial information, there was an indication that an animal was wounded just prior to the fire being started," said Dean. "While fire crews were working on scene, police had a person of interest in custody for the fire and the injuring of the animal."

    Dean says a fire investigation confirmed that the fire was intentionally set.

    While on the scene, the dog that the caller claimed had been shot was missing.

    Later on Monday, while fire crews were finishing up at the site, the dog returned. Dean says it appeared it had been shot one time in the stomach by a 9 mm handgun.

    Pound Buddies based in Muskegon Township assisted by getting the injured dog to a local veterinarian for treatment. The dog, Cookie, is expected to make a full recovery.

    Pound Buddies and Muskegon County Animal Care and Control Director Lana Carson says Cookie is already acting like herself again.

    "She's walking around and she's happy," she says.

    Carson says the veterinarian told her that Cookie is a very lucky dog, since the bullet passed right through the stomach and didn't damage any vital organs or break any bones.

    "We're happy that this is the outcome, just to see her reunited with her owner, she's elated and so excited," she says. "[And to] see her owner getting reunited with her too -- that's the best outcome. She's going be happy tonight cuddling up with her owner."

    Police in Muskegon Heights are expected to submit a report of the incident to the Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office seeking a string of felony charges that could include arson, animal cruelty and felon in possession of a weapon.

    Jail records show the suspect is being held without bond pending arraignment in Muskegon County 60th District Court.

    "The home is a total loss," said Dean. "There were no injuries related to the fire itself, everyone made it out safely."



    CLARE, Mich. (AP) — A woman is charged with killing her father, sister and two handymen in mid-Michigan.

    The Clare County prosecutor says 54-year-old Judy Boyer had a journal with names of other people whom she wanted to kill.

    Bond was set at $1 million Friday, and a not-guilty plea was entered on Boyer’s behalf.

    Authorities haven’t disclosed a motive for the killings.

    The victims were Henry Boyer, his daughter Patricia Boyer, Zachary Salminen and Wade Bacon. Salminen and Bacon were at Henry Boyer’s home to fix the roof and handle other jobs before cold weather arrived. Judy Boyer lived across the street.

    GRA:As they say,living in the boonies of Northern Michigan.When is the last time you heard of a woman killing four people?


  10. The MSM and authorities are now using doubletalk and evasiveness regarding the Philadelphia train rape. Now the other passengers were not "callously indifferent" but watched without intervening.

    Supposedly, the passengers didn't film the attack, but one gave film to the authorities.
