Thursday, October 28, 2021

Get Out of Public Schools: Kiddies Taken to Pervert-Bar on Florida Field Trip

By "W"
Thu, Oct 28, 2021 3:38 p.m.

Get Out of Public Schools: Kiddies Taken to Pervert-Bar on Florida Field Trip


  1. Due to significantly more women going to college and generally choosing 'soft' majors, a lot of them end up in education, both teaching and administration -- so many that the education workforce has become significantly more female over the last few decades (link) -- women are far more likely to be 'woke' than men, including supporting CRT, all the LGBTQ bullshit, etc -- this has been and will continue to be a disaster for rigor and discipline in US schools (as if demographic change wasn't damaging enough).

  2. Probably criminal action to take minors to a drinking establishment. I am almost surprised the idiots that come up with such "field trips" are not lynched by the parents.
