Friday, October 22, 2021

Are the Feds Lying about the Vaxxed Numbers, in Order to Bring about a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? (Graphic)

By N.S.

A tip 'o the hate to @JayceeLincoln.

N.S.: I responded to my GETTR bud: I hadn’t thought of that—that TPTB might be lying about the vaxxed numbers, but it immediately made sense. After all, they lie about every other important number—crime, immigration, the economy, etc.



    ZH:"Fauci trying to end civilization with Covid experiments."
    --Rand Paul

    MSM:"Dr.Fauci is our special guest tonight to guide us towards what to do to beat Covid.Thanks for being here."

    "Get three vaccines."

    GRA:So it's MSM vs Alt-media again--with Rand Paul thrown in.How far from the truth are either side?MSM,we know lies constantly--so I'll go more with alt-media.


  2. Those over the age of fifty need the vaxxx. The rest probably do not.

  3. Here's some REAL news about Covid.

    My cousin married a much older man(83 years old this year).I just found out he passed from Covid a week ago--fully vaccinated--two shots.He lived at home,caught it 3 weeks ago,was in and out of the hospital and died two weeks later.

    The person that told me that news also relayed that her massage therapist's friend went to CVS this past week,got a Covid shot AND a flu shot at the same time.This woman,then went home and promptly dropped dead.

    These kinds of reactions are not in a vacuum.They must occur by the tens of thousands(at least).Yet,not one word on MSM.This is mass murder,it appears,being conducted under a cloak of secrecy by media,the Health Department,CDC and Biden.

